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Jasper Poon

Solution Consultant, Business Development

I have solid expertise in digital project management, data collection (by GA), and visualisation. I firmly believe no single platform can tackle all modern challenges in the digital world. Alongside solid knowledge in GMP products, I am also passionate about Google Cloud and other UX analysis tools. In my free time, I find joy in cats, swimming, and football.

Self Introduction

Based in Hong Kong, I have solid expertise in digital project management, data collection (by GA), and visualisation. I firmly believe no single platform can tackle all modern challenges in the digital world. Alongside solid knowledge in GMP products, I am also passionate about Google Cloud and other UX analysis tools. In my free time, I find joy in cats, swimming, and football.


In addition to assisting clients in leveraging Google Analytics to achieve their business goals, I also support Ayudante in the global expansion endeavours.

Commitment to Work

I am committed to ensuring the quality and accuracy of data.  Through collecting digital behaviour on websites and apps, I aim to assist clients in developing a deeper understanding of their customers' needs. By relying on data as a foundation, I provide reliable support to help clients make informed and successful business decisions.

Recent projects

Building upon my prior expertise in data collection and utilisation using Google Analytics, I am now preparing to assist Ayundate in the global expansion endeavours.

What you want to do at work in the future

To me, data is like money.  The more we have, the better it is. But it's useless if we don't know how to use it properly. With recent advancements in data analytics technology, the use of Recommendations AI and Cloud in marketing data analysis has become more refined. I aim to help clients improve the quality of data collection and effectively utilise data with advanced tools to make successful business decisions.

What is Ayudante like?

Unlike the giant IT companies with a broad range of interests, Ayudante is a specialist consultancy focused on GMP products (Analytics, Ads Operation and SEO), Google Cloud and software development.  Ayudante is also a knowledge-exchange centre, bringing together top experts with different specialties. Just by talking to these professionals, I will gain a wealth of knowledge from their expertise.

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