[GA4] Improved Advertising Segments Report

Continuing the efforts to leverage the collaborative power between Google Analytics and Google Ads, GA4 recently made it easier to understand advertising segments (or audiences) created in GA4 that can be actioned in Google Advertising tools like Search, Ads, Display, YouTube and Gmail.

The newly enhanced report now shows the segment’s eligible users for each campaign type, providing detailed insights into how each segment performs across different advertising channels.

Here the Google Support page with a few more details on Advertising Segment report improvements.

Where Can I Find This Report in GA4?

The default location of the report should be available in the Advertising > Tools > Advertising Segments.

Unfortunately, this report is not available in the “Reports Library”. You have to be in the Advertising section to have access to the report.

What Are Advertising Segments / Audiences and How Do I Create or Edit Them?

Advertising Segments are also referred to as Audiences in some documentation. The concept will be familiar with those who are new to Google Analytics as well as those that come from Google Analytics Universal.

Here is a useful video from Google on what they are.

Audiences can be created and administered via the GA4 Admin section (In Admin, under Data display, click Audiences.)

Creating a new Audience is very similar to creating a regular Segment.

Sharing Audiences With Google Ads and More

Sharing audiences is also fairly simple!

There are two basic conditions needed (a) having Google Analytics linked to the advertising tool (Google Ads, Display, Video 360 or Search Ads 360) and (b) enabling Personalized Advertising (Google Ads) and/or have activated Google signals in the Analytics property (Display & Video 360 and Search Ads 360). Doing this will enable the segments in the according tool.

There are many more controls and options available.. Here is the Google Support page with more detailed information on Advertising Segments.

If you have any questions about creating or leveraging Google Analytics 4 Advertising Segments, contact us today. We can help!

Jose Uzcategui

Global Lead / Sr. Analytics Consultant

Jose Uzcategui

Mr. Uzcategui joined Ayudante in Japan after working for ASICS and Amazon. His position previous to Ayudante was as a team leader, working on data construction/implementation and performance improvement using the Google Marketing Platform and the cloud. His hobbies are playing squash and cooking. He enjoys studying Japanese, Spanish, and English, and spring in Japan is his favorite season.